Nandan almost ignored the note but, converging on the phrase in double quotes, he gravitated back to it. Now he was staring at it, like critics would do at a new piece of art. His focus was derailed for second time in the day. Having hydrated himself with a full bottle of ice-cold water he looked at the note, just one more time, with a Theology lens. Nandan thought he knew exactly what to do but he had to wait until the next morning.
Librarian Nathan D’Silva confirmed with authority that he had seen the book safely tucked in the shelf as it had not been lent out in a very long time. Without checking the computer he walked Nandan straight to the aisle inside the Library at United Theological College. Nandan rushed to a quiet corner in the reading area and dropped the book on the desk. The title on the book cover read – “So what’s the difference? A look at 20 worldviews, faiths and religions and how they compare to Christianity”.
With the first book, intact with the glued note, on one side, Nandan jumped straight into p14 of the new book. To his dismay, he found nothing tangible there-in. With utter disappointment he settled the book down on the table and looked up blank into the ceiling. Rather exasperated, he ran his thumb flipping through all pages. Just then something caught his attention, a loose sheet nestled between two pages. Another blue post-it note firmly stuck to p55. Nandan was shocked to discover same handwriting and more importantly a similar connotation!
They ruled us. Their Athenaeum has it – “The Anatomy of Melancholy”. 9. 20.
Trouble in the trail? Many thoughts and questions piqued Nandan as he tried to make a frenzied call to the British Council Library.
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